The overall management of staffing services in a contingent workforce environment can be an enormous undertaking for any company that is utilizing a large amount of recruiting services to supplement their workforce.
SLSS, INC. can optimize the process with our customized MSP/VMS service. As your Managed Service Provider (MSP), we can facilitate the staffing process between you and your approved suppliers on-site or off-site. Our SLSS, INC. Vendor Management System (VMS) automates the management of your contingent workforce and suppliers. The key areas that the MSP/VMS Service can streamline are:
The management of your staffing procurement
Electronic billing and timesheets, consolidated invoicing and labor expense management
Customized reporting
Management of staffing providers
Onboarding compliance
SLSS, INC.’s VMS/MSP service is the solution for companies who are searching for a means to streamline costs and build a control mechanism for the management of their contingent workforce.