
Thecompany is strongly committed to providing a safe work environmentfor all of its employees and clients. However, safety in theworkplace is everyone’s responsibility and is the result of carefulattention to all operation by those who are directly and indirectlyinvolved.

Eachemployee must learn safety practices and follow them. This includescomplying with all the safety rules and using all appropriate safetydevices and personal protection equipment. Employees violating therules of the company are subject to disciplinary action, up to andincluding termination of employment.

Allemployees are instructed to immediately report unsafe workingconditions, health and fire hazards, or any other condition that maypose risk to employees or visitors. Employees are encouraged tocorrect minor hazards or unsafe working conditions when such actionswill jeopardize the safety of the employees or others. In any case,employees should report all such conditions to their immediatesupervisor or a known safety team member, or to any member ofManagement or Human Resources. There will be no retaliation ordisciplinary action against any employee for reporting suchcondition.

SafetyData Sheets (SDS) are available for employees to review in locationswithin the company. These sheets contain information provided by themanufacturer about the risk and precautions associated with hazardsor toxic materials that are used in the workplace.

Finally,all the employees are encouraged to offer suggestions or comments, atany time that will help improve the safety program of the company.

Location,department and field safety practices are reviewed for industry, OSHA, federal & state compliance. Categories and topics trained andmonitored include but are not limited to:

  • Clientsite evaluations

  • Newhire orientation-Initial safety training

  • Accident/ injury prevention

  • Firstaid and incident reporting

  • Nearmiss assessment

  • Bloodbornepathogen

  • Electricalsafety

  • Emergencyaction plan

  • Ergonomics

  • Fallprotection

  • Personalprotection equipment

  • Slips,trips and falls

  • EmergencyAction Plans

  • InjuryIllness Prevention Plan (IIPP)

  • Employeeindustrial/organization behavior assessments

WorkplaceHealth and Safety Guide

Safetyon Assignment:

Asan Your Staffing Firm associate, you are our company’s most importantasset.  Always exercise due care while working for Your Staffing Firm. Most accidents can be prevented with proper caution, whether it’san office or industrial environment.

Becomefamiliar with each client’s safety procedures and equipment. All unsafe working conditions must be reported immediately toyour Your Staffing Firm Representative.  Make safety a priority in thework environment.


Wewill allocate your assignments to match your skills and experience.As much as reasonably possible, we will do all we can to ensure youhave a safe and healthy workplace with adequate supervision.

Thecompany your assignment is with is responsible for your health andsafety, while you are with them. We will make sure you are giveninformation on safety procedures so that you can carry out your taskssafely. If there is something you do not understand, ask your Your Staffing Firm Representative for clarification.


  • Takereasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and otherswhile on assignment.
  • Makesure you familiarize yourself with the local emergency procedures.
  • Co-operatewith your assignment company by following all safety rules andregulations.
  • Reportany hazardous situations to your supervisor.
  • Donot undertake tasks you have not received training for or, thatyou feel are unsafe.
  • Makecorrect use of work equipment, machinery, substances and personalprotective equipment.

Call Your Staffing Firm immediately if…

Youare asked to perform a task that was not part of yourinitial job description. You believe that your working conditions areunsafe. You are injured while on assignment.


Ifyou are involved in an on-assignment accident or near miss incident,it is important that you follow this procedure:

  • Reportthe incident immediately to your on-site supervisor.
  • Ensurethat the details are entered into the company’s accident book.
  • Ifrequired, obtain treatment for the injury from a first-aider orappointed person.
  • Contactyou Your Staffing Firm branch as soon as possible.
  • Keepyour Your Staffing Firm branch informed of any after-effects of theincident, including periods of total or partial incapacity for work.

Remember…Youshould only undertake work after the appropriate training. Do notundertake any task that you believe is unsafe. If in doubt, stop workand ask for guidance from the supervisor or contact your Your Staffing Firm Representative at the branch location.

GeneralSafety Tips:

  • Observethe company’s safety rules.
  • Onlyoperate work equipment that you are authorized and trained to use.
  • Donot open more than one drawer on a filing cabinet at a time.
  • Alwaysclose a drawer fully before opening another.
  • Ensureall filing cabinet drawers are closed before walking away.
  • Reportdefective office equipment and furniture to a manager or supervisor.Do not attempt to repair it yourself.
  • Alwayswatch where you are walking and obey any restricted areas.
  • Notethe position of Fire Exit routes.
    Remember, all exits andparticularly Fire Doors, must never be blocked, ensuring safe meansof escape and avoiding injury.
  • Keepall work areas and floor clear of rubbish and stationery.

ErgonomicWork Station Tips:

  • Sitfully back in the chair at your work station and avoid slouching.
  • Adjustyour backrest.
  • Removeobstructions around your workstation.
  • Organizeyour workstation before commencing work.
  • Adjustyour seat height and use a footrest (if necessary).
  • Tryto work with wrists straight when using a keyboard.
  • Adjustthe screen angle of your computer monitor, so that your eye level isjust above the top of the screen.
  • Keepall work areas and floor clear of rubbish and stationery.

Liftingand Carrying Tips:

  • Onlylift or carry what you can easily manage.
  • Gethelp with anything that you think might be too heavy or awkward tomanage on your own.
  • Usetrolleys, wheelbarrows, or other appropriate lifting equipment, ifthese are available.
  • Makesure you can clearly see where you are going.
  • Useyour whole hand to hold equipment and other items, not just yourfingers.
  • Ifthe load is uneven, make sure the heaviest part is closest to yourbody.
  • Bendyou knees and keep your back straight.
  • Straightenyour knees to stand.

ProtectiveClothing and Equipment:

Protectiveclothing and equipment are essential to protect and keep you safewhile you work. Please make sure you know how to wear or use itcorrectly. Please look after these items. If they need to bereplaced, inform your on-site supervisor immediately.

Corporate Office

2250 E Dominguez St, Carson, CA 90810


10649 Imperial Hwy, Norwalk, CA 90650



2250 E Dominguez St, Carson, CA 90810


1750 East Carson St, Carson, CA 90745


1035 S Milliken Ave, Suite A, Ontario, CA 91761


10010 Abercorn St, Unit 7, Savannah, GA 31406


10919 Atlantic Ave, Lynwood, CA 90262

New Jersey

519 Elizabeth Ave, Elizabeth NJ


502 16th St NE, C-306, Auburn WA 98002